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Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom

Agricultural Stats + Facts

person holding cranberries
Did you know that Wisconsin ranks first in the nation for cranberry production?

Agriculture is essential to the success of Wisconsin. In our state, agriculture contributes $104.8 billion annually to the economy. Wisconsin is home to more than 64,900 farms which grow and raise a diverse array of food products ranging from berries to vegetables to milk and cheese. If you want to learn more about Wisconsin agriculture facts, you've come to the right place.

While Wisconsin might be known as America's Dairyland, the state's agricultural industry is very diverse. Here's a fun fact about Wisconsin agriculture! Did you know that Wisconsin ranks first in the nation for cranberries, ginseng and dairy goats?

Learn more about the agriculture you use every day.

More Than Food

Agriculture impacts us each and every day. From the tires on our cars to the paint brushes we use and beyond, farmers play an important role in our lives. Here are some non-food products that are made possible by farmers:


Farmers in the southern part of the United States grow cotton that is used to make shirts, jeans, hats and more.


Logging is popular in the central and northern parts of Wisconsin. Loggers will grow trees specifically to be harvested for lumber that can be used to build homes and for other wood-working projects.


Baseballs, footballs, uniforms and even the tickets we buy use agricultural products such as leather, cotton string and wood pulp to make paper.

School supplies

Going to school is a lot more fun because of Wisconsin soybean farmers who make crayons possible. One acre (about the size of a football field) of soybeans can make more than 82,000 crayons.